

Welcome to my website, I am a filmmaker, a writer, artist and musician.  I am passionate about making and writing films.  My career goal is become a film director and writer and also follow other creative media outlets that I enjoy and want to pursue.  Blue Jeans Prodcutions, which is an independent film and multi-media company set up 2010 of last year, which she is currently working on set up a online webseries for 2011/2012.
So feel free to take a look around if you want and I hope you like what you see.
So I hope you like my work guys.

P.S.  You got any questions or comments or just want to see how filming productions work, check my Behind the Scenes page and ask me a question or leave me a comment on my Q and A page or contact page.

All the pages and sub pages of this website/portfolio and the works are copyrighted and owned by Blue Jeans Productions Ltd.2011 and BJDesigns Ltd.2011.